Monday, February 8, 2010

It's that time of year!!

In the dance world, we celebrate a season that is perhaps more stressful than the Christmas season, and that is "dance competition season!!" Today is February 8, 2010. That means that our very first competition of 2010 will happen in four days. Right now, I am supposed to be focusing on closing the month at work and preparing financial statements. I should be thinking about the mid-term that I have to take tonight for my graduate class. Instead, I'm thinking about costumes that need to be altered, accessories that have not come in, and everything else that needs to be done before this weekend. Dance Dance Dance!!! I cannot concentrate on anything else.

We had our dress rehearsal yesterday... It went pretty smooth We actually finished all 22 dances in four hours which is actually pretty good. There are many things the girls could have done better. Some could have smiled more, some could have pointed their feet better, some could have rolled their eyes a little less, but overall, I'm proud of the hard work each girl brought to the table. I'm SO excited about what each dance will bring to competition. I'm also so proud of every teacher at Centre and the amazing work each of them do with the kids. I could never thank them enough because they do save my life every day.

He are some of my favorite people and me at "Hairspray." Gotta love the Centre teachas!!

I'll post more pics of competition season as it unfolds. Hold on... here we go!!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Chick! I cant wait to see the girls dance for their lives!!!!! :)
    I already feel like a "Dance Mom"... and I have already informed Patrick that if this baby is a girl, I WILL be making the hour drive to your studio... so she can learn from THE BEST!
