On Sunday, I ate a chocolate sunday, and it was good. Little did I know that the chocolate sunday would make me gain back 2 pounds of the 4.9 pounds that I previously lost. UGH! I mean, it doesn't even weigh 2 pounds. How is that possible??
On a more positive note, I went shopping with Sarah and some of the wedding party on Saturday. We found the ALMOST dress (I picked it out BTW.). But then, Sarah remembered that her cousin had a similar dress for her wedding last summer. After a quick search on mobile facebook (ain't techonology great? I mean how did I function before I had my Blackberry?) we confirmed Sarah's worse fears. CRAP!! So, off to the next store we went. We found THE dress this time. haha! Note to self: if on a budget, always ask for the price before you try on THE dress. It totally sucks when you realize you can't afford it. Just saying. (Sarah, you are still my friend.) Back to square one. I received an e-mail from Sarah yesterday with a picture of another dress. Maybe we will go see it this weekend.

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