Oh BUT, Dr. McSTEAMY!! This is his first appearance on Grey's... THIS is when I turned into a 13 year old blubbering idiot who panted at the TV. (Okay, no panting, but close.)

Last night was a crossover episode of Grey's and Private Practice. Mark (McSteamy) was in LA with his newly found pregnant daughter so Addison could perform a surgery only SHE could do. (sure.) Anyway, together again. Addy and Mark. AND again, he undresses himself. Just when I had gotten back to normal and remembered that I am 23 and married, and that he is NOT coming to Cotton Terrace to sweep me off my feet. And so, it has begun. I'm 13 again. Now, if I could only find my Backstreet Boys cd.
Who looks this good eating cereal!?! And, where can I get one of those bowls?
disclaimer: I love my husband more than any man on this earth. I love his body more than I like McSteamy's.... Just for the record, I do not want a life-size poster of this to put in my closet.
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