Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Sometimes you have a good day and sometimes you don't!

Thursday, January 21, 2010
Oh my....
Matt Lawrence melted my heart last night. It doesn't hurt that he looks like Tim Tebow whom I have a slight crush on. :)
Anyone that can sing Ray LaMontagne like this is my American Idol!
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
New Year, New Duties, New Diet!

Friday, January 15, 2010
NOBODY should look this good!
Oh BUT, Dr. McSTEAMY!! This is his first appearance on Grey's... THIS is when I turned into a 13 year old blubbering idiot who panted at the TV. (Okay, no panting, but close.)

Last night was a crossover episode of Grey's and Private Practice. Mark (McSteamy) was in LA with his newly found pregnant daughter so Addison could perform a surgery only SHE could do. (sure.) Anyway, together again. Addy and Mark. AND again, he undresses himself. Just when I had gotten back to normal and remembered that I am 23 and married, and that he is NOT coming to Cotton Terrace to sweep me off my feet. And so, it has begun. I'm 13 again. Now, if I could only find my Backstreet Boys cd.
Who looks this good eating cereal!?! And, where can I get one of those bowls?
disclaimer: I love my husband more than any man on this earth. I love his body more than I like McSteamy's.... Just for the record, I do not want a life-size poster of this to put in my closet.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
It's about time I start this thing!
So, for my first blog... Hmmmm...
Every year, our dance competition team takes on the task of performing a production of about 40 kids. It usually requires numerous props to pull it off. We will start with our first.
Our first year, we did a Pirate production. My dad and many of the other dads constructed a pirate ship from plywood complete with a PVC pipe flag and steps made from 2x4's.

Because our business was just starting out, we didn't have the money to rent a uhaul let alone buy a covered trailer of our own. We carted that ship around on a 16ft trailer with bungie cords and bright blue tarps to protect it. But, it was a DANG good looking ship, and we won many awards with that piece.

Last year, we did a piece titled "Rockin Thru the Decades." We started with music from the 40's and ended with "Sexy Back" by Justin Timberlake. It was fitting for the time. Ha! For this prop, my dad took the existing pieces from the pirate production and constructed a 5'5ft tall Jukebox along with two LIGHTED platforms.

Yes, those are babies in Afro wigs.... I always try to add a humorous aspect to the productions because I feel like productions are meant to entertain the audience and the judges. Wait until you see this year's production!! (No pictures until after competition season, sorry)
So, this year we are daunted the wonderful task of constructing a life-like airplane complete with wings and a propeller. My dad is so excited about it. He hasn't been able to sleep for the past week because he is so excited about starting the project this weekend. (Did I mention that I was a really sarcastic person?) I know it will turn out wonderfully!! It's the "in between" events that will require a lot of prayer. Stay tuned.