Josh and I have known each other our entire lives. Although, I never really remember being friends with Josh until junior high, he says he always had a secret crush on me. He claims he knew he was going to mary me when we were in 6th grade, and he saw me at a baseball game. He even remembers that I was wearing white shorts and a purple shirt. I was always the shy, quiet goody good girl, and he was simply put, a Ladies Man. Josh and I really did and still do have the fairytale story that so many people dream about having. I still get butterflies when I'm around him, and I miss him (most of the time) when we aren't together. He lets me be a brat which means I usually get my way. He supports me and loves me even when I don't deserve it. He is my best friend. I'm a good wife too. Just ask him.
So, I say all that to say this... Josh has decided to go back to school. It is my turn to support him. I am SO proud of him. He said his goal is to wear a business suit and work downtown Montgomery. He wants to go to dinner meetings at the Renaissance and get free tickets to the Biscuits games. He has such detailed goals! I asked him what he wanted to major in... He said, well, I was thinking Accounting. Knowing how much hell I went through to get my degree, I smiled and said, "go on with your bad self."
Honestly, we may not be friends until he finishes school.
Yah! for Josh... Be Sweet, Rebecca!