I fish-tailed and slid a little on the way to the competition on Saturday morning. Thank you, Josh for letting me use your truck and its 4-wheel drive!
The girls did a FANTASTIC job on stage, especially for their first performance. I'm always amazed at the resiliency and determination that kids posses despite all the craziness around them. They work so hard and rarely complain. I just wish we as adults possessed these same qualities. Go on with your bad selves, Centre girls!! Mobile, here we come!!
In my original post, I neglected to mention the surprise "Britney themed" birthday party we threw for our sweet friend, Elise on Friday night. Elise, a reporter for Channel 8 news, had been up since 4am reporting on the snow. I forgot to mention that Elise has a slight (okay, HUGE) obsession with Britney Spears. I don't understand it, but I sometimes choose to support her obsession. Anyway, I was kind of nervous about going through with the party because I knew she would be tired and aggravated from driving on an ice skating rink to get to ATL. Although, her entire face lit up when she saw her Britney cake and the posters her mom had brought from her old bedroom. All things said and done, everybody needs a little Britney in their lives every now and then. Happy Birthday... Britney Style.
P.S. I still think "If U Seek Amy" is a nasty, desperate song. Who do you think you are fooling, Britney? You are defintely no Gaga!!
The Cake!! (I guess it's okay that it didn't match the purple and black decorations I bought.)
Such Party Animals I tell ya!
good luck! i am going to try to make it to the b-ham shows!