Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Long time. No Blog.
This weekend... oh, this weekend. This weekend was very eventful for a number of reasons that I'm sure will be explained in more than one post. First, my bff Sarah's bachelorette party took place in Nashville. I planned to drive separate because I had to go to Atlanta on Sunday for a costume show. On the way to Nashville, a bolt and screw the size of my middle finger (no lie) hit my a/c compressor, and my air went out. I was in no way driving the rest of the way to Nashville in 100 degree weather with no a/c. Five hundred and ninety four dollars later, I was on my way to Nashville. Nothing was going to ruin my fun!
The most exciting part of the trip was seeing Chelsea Handler in her "Chelsea Chelsea Bang Bang" tour. She was MORE than I imagined. My cheeks hurt from laughing so much. She is incredibly obnoxious and really doesn't care what people think about her. I loved her.
After the concert, we spent an extended period of time in Tootsies. After about an hour, I was having withdrawals from my usual Lady Gaga and Kesha dance music. I mean, I can only bust so many awesome moves when all they are playing is Brooks and Dunn and Carrie Underwood (whom I really cannot stand). Anyway, the "almost bar fight" that involved the bachelorette herself was the icing on the cake. I ended the night with a cheeseburger and fries at 2:00am which was possibly the BEST part of Nashville.
More to come...
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Chelsea Handler - WHOA!
I will see her September 24th in Nashville. I've just recently gotten into watching her, and I'm currently reading her book, "Are you There Vodka, It's me, Chelsea." Her sarcasm is wonderful, and she's quite scandalous! I LOVE when people say things that I'm thinking but would probably never say.
Warning: Bad language and sexual content, but it's Chelsea Handler, so I shouldn't have to give the warning.
P.S. I do not agree with everything she stands for, and I certainly don't support her promiscuous lifestyle, but the girl is funny!
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
CAUTION - Don't read if you don't want to know the truth.
Friday, June 25, 2010
Just thinking
1.) I wish more people would grow a backbone. In my opinion, I think Facebook has made people such cowards! I'd delete mine if I knew I could find out so much about people on my own. Everyone Facebook stalks. I don't care what they say.
2.) Respect what others are going through. Unless you've been there, you don't know what YOU would do or how you'd react. Recognize that people have stuff going on behind the scenes that we probably have no idea about.
3.) Be confident in how you act and present yourself. If you aren't happy with yourself, you will never make anyone else happy.
4.) Jealousy will wreck your life. Again, jealousy will wreck your life. Enough said.
5.) Do something nice for someone even if they have never done anything nice for you. You will feel better regardless.
6.) Keep those who build you up close. Stay away from those who create negativity. Life is so much better that way.
7.) There aren't too many things a good glass of wine, a good laugh out loud conversation and/or a good night's sleep can't cure.
That's all for now.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
MY Bachelorette pick

Frank, 31
Frank is so cute, especially in his glasses. In my opinion, he should never take them off! Do I think Ali will choose Frank in the end? Absolutely not. Frank is a lover. He fell for Ali way too quickly, and he is a bit emotional. In the end, I think Frank's jealousy will overcome him, and Ali will be annoyed by it. I may be completely wrong. Frank may stick around until the end. Hey, I won't be sad about it!
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
I can't stop listening
On another note, this past week was the first time I've ever really watched a whole episode of Glee. This is probably because I don't know what comes on TV at any particular time on most nights. I happen to love Glee, and I plan on catching up on all the episodes this summer. It will be a nice change from subjecting myself to the emotional craziness of Grey's and Private Practice.
Friday, May 28, 2010
challenge for today